Thoughts on calories and calculations

I didn’t do any exercises at home like I promised myself I would. It’s really hard to get the motivation. During the weekend I think I even ate more than I should have (at a friend’s birthday party). But then again – how much should I eat to loose weight? Isn’t that a simple equation:

daily calories = calories intake – calories burnt

If you want to loose weight the ‘daily calories’ should have a negative value. Which means that if I have junk food and then go to the gym for 2 hours I can still loose weight.

I am far from counting calories as I think this is so depressing and exhausting… but my point is that the choice of food and the amount doesn’t always define the target – which in my case is loose weight. Of course that doesn’t mean eat frozen junk food and sweets as much as you want. There should be a balance – a healthier lifestyle. But not one that restrict you from certain type of food.

I hope this makes sense – as it does to me.

And to finish on the positive side – yesterday I did 30 minutes cycling around the neighbourhood with my fiancee. I feel happy about it as we haven’t been out on the bikes for almost one year.

No scales today…